The Dutch SHPV (Stichting Handhaving Parkeerrechten Voertuigen) is an organization responsible for managing parking and residence rights in the Netherlands. They handle transactional data related to parking and residence rights, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information for various stakeholders, like Municipalities, Parking Operators and Service Providers.
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The Actuals - SHPV connector enables daily import of SHPV parking transactions into the Actuals for reconciliation purposes. The steps below illustrate how to grant Actuals access to your SHPV environment.

Request access to SHPV

Actuals retrieves SHPV data using the “Tyler Data & Insights” RDW environment. Ask you contact at RDW, SHPV or NPR (Nationaal Parkeer Register) to create user credentials for Actuals for “
  • In your request please use email address ‘’ for the account creation.
  • Once you received confirmation please inform your Actuals implementation consultant.

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