is a global payment service provider headquartered in London, United Kingdom. They offer local acquiring capabilities in over 50 countries across Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific.
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Create Access keys

Sign in to your dashboard.
  • Make sure your account has one of these permission roles: “Developer”, “Admin” or “Owner”.
  • Go to menu Developers –> Keys –> Create a new key
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  • Fill the form with these values (See screenshot below for more details)
    • Type of key “Access key pair”
    • key description “ Integration”
    • Choose customize scopes
    • Customize the Scopes to include at least these permissions
      • accounts
      • balances
      • files
      • financial-actions
      • reports
    • Choose the entity we needs to export data from. If we need data from more than 1 entity repeat these steps for all entities.
    • Choose “Create key”
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  • The access key has now been created.
    • Copy the “Access key ID”
    • Copy the “Access key secret”. This key will only be displayed once so make sure you copy it directly.
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  • Provide both the Access key ID and Access key secret to Actuals.

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