Mollie is a Dutch payment service provider (PSP) specializing in offering and processing online payments for webshops.
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The Actuals connector to Mollie enables daily import of all Mollie transactions for reconciliation in the Actuals platform. To achieve this, a API key needs to be created to download the transaction details throught the Mollie API. The steps below illustrate how to get the API key and how to configure Actuals Live to collect the data periodically

User access

Actuals requires an organisational access key to collect data from Mollie. Both test and live keys are available. We recommend to try the test environment first. The keys can be found in the Developers section on API-keys page
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As it is quite easy to reset the key, it is also possible to use the key once for testing with Actuals Live before resetting alltogether. When doing this, Actuals will no longer be able to collect data as the old key is invalid.

Configure Actuals live

To connect to the Mollie account the following parameters need to be provided to the source connection
  • API URL. The URL contains both the version number as the end point to collect data. By default the value is More details can be found at Mollie
  • API Key. Either the Test API key or the Live API Key
To test the connection, submit the form and click test.


If the connection is setup succesfully, the corresponding tile shows a green checkmark. Daily, typically between 2:00 and 5:00, data will be collected from Mollie and transformed as tranasctions in Actuals .

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