Mangopay is a Payment Service Provider (PSP) that provides modular payment infrastructure for e-commerce platforms like online marketplaces and crowdfunding platforms. It offers flexible solutions for payment processing, e-wallet management, and fraud prevention.
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Actuals provides methods to automatically extract financial data periodically from Mangopay though an API integation. Here you can find more information how to setup the automated integration between Mangopay and Actuals.

Create API credentials


  • Access to Mangopay user interface (Mangopay Hub) with administrator rights.

Generating API credentials

Inside the Mangopay Hub you can create API credentials. Actuals requires access to the “production” Mangopay environment.
We prefer the “least privilege” access option that allows to have read access to the “Transactions API”.
After generating the credentials you receive a “ClientID” and “API key”.
Please provide both the “ClientID” and “API key” your Actuals implementation consultant.
Please provide both the “ClientID” and “API key” your Actuals implementation consultant.

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